Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brazillian Wax Shapes

Controversy over a tissue toxic Securities

Our start in this course in the pot "Ethics and Citizenship" of the thinking we have done in the classroom text Vicenç Navarro, a professor at Pompeu Fabra University and published in the journal "Public" on 17 September.
In commenting in class, the controversy has emerged: The purpose of this article is that as self-regulation of television is not working, public authorities, governments should intervene directly prohibiting certain content. Do we agree with this censorship? Must be the parents who select the shows they see the children and let the television broadcast what they want? Well, Now it's your turn. The task I propose the deadline is October 12 to discuss with their parents or guardians at home this article and write down thoughts in a notebook family of the subject. As always, you can add any input on the blog who wish to make public. Who will be the first father, mother, grandfather ... who dares?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Display The License Plate

Our generation replicant

These first weeks we started our philosophical turning around the concept of "youth." If philosophy is, as Unamuno said, a reflection from and the "man of flesh and blood", what better start than taking the time to understand what we are, who are you, young-at this stage of history in which we live.
To face this analysis we used a text Feixa Carles, professor of social anthropology at the University of Lleida, published in the newspaper El Pais on Friday, September 18 .
As we mentioned, the author presents three models concept of youth as more or less prolonged phase of transition to adulthood:
The traditional, based on the "Tarzan syndrome", sees the teenager as "the noble savage that inevitably must be civilized" and how before.
The modern, based on "Peter Pan syndrome," which sees youth as the subject of a revolution against adult society and must be tamed slowly (increasing the period of schooling, for example) to accept the system .
And finally, the postmodern, the characteristic of S. XXI., The youth "Blade Runner." He who understands this Today's youth is the most prepared to adapt to changes through its mastery of technology, but that also is less free because it has no historical memory and therefore has no awareness of the need for change. So if, against the modern model, might be able to lead the revolution that the system needs, as they have the mastery of the media, "his rebellion is doomed to failure and can only star in episodic upheavals and sterile, hoping to acquire some day awareness that adults do. " This would explain the bottle or macro party organized by public institutions.
far our reflection in the classroom. But "Civieusebio" wants it to reflect on the classroom as taken home. And that is the task of this activity: They have until Monday October 12 to share these thoughts with their parents or guardians and record it in his notebook in the classroom. Which model is more present in everyday life? Who is responsible for this lack of memory and therefore awareness of today's youth? What a way forward can do and what changes proposed to the young-adult relationship?
As always, leave as a comment to this post any thoughts they want to make public.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Period Due, Cervix High And Hard


This blog will be used both by students of "Ethics and Citizenship" as the "Philosophy and citizenship." To quickly access articles that interest them, the two subjects will be symbolized by an icon.

To "Philosophy and Citizenship" will use the famous drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci on the proportions of the human figure and that our objective in this course is to discover the philosophy as a way to place ourselves in the world.

In the case of "Ethics and Citizenship" our icon will refer to the ability to choose as the foundation of ethical action.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Are Pearl Earrings Worth

Welcome to the course 2009_2010

Hello everyone.

Welcome to this new course in which "Civieusebio" gets bigger (or at least intended). In this course, our blog will be an invitation for the students of 4 º ESO, as usual, but also for the Bachelor of 1 on the subject: "Philosophy and Citizenship. We can say now that this blog is intended to the citizens IES Eusebio Lorenzo Barreto.

And we can start here. I propose the following activity: Make a comment to this post by introducing yourself and stating briefly what it is for you "being a citizen." We do not seek an academic definition (for that do link here: RAE Dictionary ) but the feeling that you wake up this term ... And that is not none, that excuse is old. We have a deadline of Monday 28 / 9. Then we see what they think about it some public.

Come ... 3,2,1 ... Begin!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ip 109 Hydrocodone 325mg

Well, well, it seems that the presentation had raised cost us much more than the teacher thought. I do not know, I know ... I understand that we are at the end of course but we can not relax the pace. Mood and do not be discouraged.

I hope that during the week of 11 to 15 can view the presentations that each group has done. What to do in the classroom is to be attentive to presentations from peers and write in his notebook a question, suggestion or questions posed to them.

Moreover, last week co-4 º A have tried using an application provided by EducaRed: "Educalab" but the truth is that the problems we've had to access have been many and therefore can not continue with it. While we try to find out why these problems (have tried from the classroom, at home, some even from a cyber) I present the next activity that we perform.

work is children's rights and we will make drawing on the resources offered by the General Council of English Lawyers through the competition:
I have also

rights is a contest which should produce a propaganda video made by one of those rights. The video must be in digital format and not longer than 2 minutes. Those of you ending before May 30 will present the competition, for it must register. See the rules and the registration form on the link above.
The task is to:
  1. View list of rights and choose one, noting in his book why they chose this and not another.
  2. Develop a script of how it will be your video (I recommend the following link on how to prepared a short: "Making a short" by the technology department Huelin Malaga IES) and paste it in your class notebook.
  3. Record your video in groups of no more than 4 people (although they can use all the players you want).

Well, to end this post a message for everyone but especially for those who need a push to successfully complete the course: Do not give up, mind you if we can all endeavor. On a brave face and confidence in our effort. When you have a bad day to see them leave the video below:

Monday, April 27, 2009

What's The Difference Between Black Ice And Ice

Rights of the Child Rights

The final task to be performed on this issue is a slide show in which to collect their opinions on the issue of the "clash of cultures." Are we entitled to impose on members of other cultures, our way of seeing the world? Should visitors accept our traditions? "Any behavior must be respected if for generations has been part of a particular culture? They can do the program you want, but from "CiviEusebio" are advised to use the computer suite "OpenOffice" we have available in the computer room from which to work.

Among the many advantages offered by this set of programs, not least the fact that we use that knowledge to work to spread freedom.

have here a link to manuals that will enable them to handle with ease the following programs:


OpenOficce Tutorial organization

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Body Systems Does Tendonitis Affect?

Presentations with OpenOffice versus forced marriage traditions

A traditional practice in many cultures, see this case related to gypsy traditions Romania

Amnesty International is very clear

association "ARISE" Switzerland is dedicated to defending the rights of migrant women. You can see here your opinion on forced marriages (in several languages, though not in English ... remember "Google" and "El Mundo" provide a good translator if needed.

In countries with that tradition there are those who are opposed. See this protest by 50 girls in Bangladesh .

Monday, April 20, 2009

Expired Driver License Ohio

continue our research on forced marriages. I leave here some suggested reading to continue to seek his own argument:

As you have seen the size of the problem is too big and from different official bodies have attempted to deal with different results.

UNICEF, the UN agency for child protection, called attention to the problem by rewarding in 2007 featured a photo a couple of forced marriage in Afghanistan: UNICEF

awards a photograph on forced marriages in Afghanistan

UNHCR, the refugee agency, also under the UN in 2005 launched a program to prevent these practices in the camps in Chad: UNHCR

takes preventive measures to prevent forced marriages of girls in Chad

In 2006, the British government launched an initiative to reduce this practice in the UK , but not getting enough support.

On 14 April this year has been France which has launch a similar campaign. On this page of the news agency Europa Press "can see news about this decision and an opinion of Lafora Victoria. AMECOPRESS is an information page for equality that echoed the news and where they can find much information on the status of women in the world.

In Switzerland, also face the issue.

To those who think that this practice has religious roots will draw attention to the fact that Saudi Arabia has banned the practice.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Create A Tech Deck Dude

Clash of cultures?

One of the issues about which we must reflect on our subject is the ethical diversity. We begin this reflection from the culture shock is caused by the different valuation is made of the same behavior as the culture in which it occurs.

I propose that we begin to approach the issue from a story that just jumped to the media: Some parents immigrants in Spain have been convicted of forcing his 14 year old daughter to marry a man of 40 years.

See the news on this link: Convicted

force her to marry

The news will be widely discussed and is already creating controversy as you can see the following links that show conflicting positions:

in Spain condemns (it's in French, but Google offers translation)


drama Let's do a thorough follow-up to this news. To this end I propose the following activities prior to the final task to be performed.

  1. Make a comment to "boat soon" about what you think of this situation.
  2. Look online for this week and next (deadline Monday 27) how and why the news continues to generate comments from journalists, politicians, commentators, blog, etc. (Whether CiviEusebio tuned because they will make suggestions for reading). They should make a dossier in his notebook of views for and against the measure.
  3. The final task will be to carry out a slide show in which to express their opinion on this situation. Have OpenOffice available in the computer room.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Milena Velba Bra Size

Center Guapo
De sense

Well, we spent the holidays and again here.
To enter work smoothly, the first activity this quarter consist in a comment to Sense Beautiful Center "the blog our center and an essay on your workbook with the title" My Beautiful Day Center "in describing what they did that day and how felt. Forward
and put the batteries for the third quarter is here.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Proshow Gold Problems 2009

Back to Work Week and Day of the Centro Cultural

A year and go ... our school celebrates its cultural week will culminate on Friday, April 3 with the celebration of "Beautiful Day Center." All information on this day of celebration can be found on the new blog community that the IES Eusebio Barreto opened and which can be accessed by clicking link:

not miss, certainly not be disappointed.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Male Body Waxing Ann Arbor Michigan

Beautiful Self

Well is here the end of the 2 nd quarter and qualifications of the 2nd assessment.

If you recall, when we did the activity of our tree wishes for the new year, we undertook to review our work on the basis of the values \u200b\u200bwe bring to our "hands-fir." The challenge now is to see how far we've come in our commitment to these values.

To do this in your notebook, be self-assessment of the following:

Ambition Responsibility, Curiosity, Effort, Respect, Trust and Sincerity

Come on, please call note ... and share with their parents or guardians reflections.

your comment in the blog should be devoted to evaluating the work of the teacher during the second quarter, to comment on what would have seemed the proposed tasks and general progress of the class. Remember

delivery notes will be on Tuesday after the holiday. Happy thought ...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dansko And Tendonitis

Term 2

now seems to be popular which motivates the pupils to study through a monetary reward.

sure have seen the propaganda of Caja7 to offer 50 euros for each outstanding to the students of 2 º de Bachillerato.

Also from the Catalan government is offering a financial incentive for those students wishing to study in post-compulsory education

Controversy is not new and is present in all countries, see for example this article Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio

Finally I leave this thought that we can work in the classroom: Reasons for studying

The task to be collected in your notebook after reading the articles and made the comment in the blog, is to classify arguments of their peers for or against the measure and construct a text in which you defend your point of view against that of those who think the opposite.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Used L Exercise Bike Ontario

Incentives for study Ethics and biology

vacation carnival After we went back to work trying to understand what relationship may arise between ethics and biology.

To connect with the subject, began studying the case of Phineas Cage, a railroad worker, after an accident, underwent a radical change of personality in the eyes of his family and colleagues.

can follow his story here: The incredible case of Phineas Cage

Taken a step we will use an article journalism that tells us how this event influenced the development of neurosurgery:

Neurosurgery: Surgery of the mind

Read the article and answer in your notebook to the following questions:

1 º. What did the accident Cage?
2 º. What ended up causing treatment? What was?
3 º. At the end of the second paragraph referred to treatment later used as substitutes to psychosurgery, what are they?
4 º. Summarizes the main criticisms of the surgical techniques described in the text?
5 º. Summarizes the views favorable to psychosurgery displayed in the text?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Homeopathy Ovarian Cancer

Carnaval, Carnaval ... Facing the crisis

For that, happy carnival ... and watch the masqueraders . Here

everyone murga of Teachers of Carnival 2009. The quality is not good but the excitement is that nobody remembered to bring camera and had to record it by hand ... heh, heh ...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How Much Does Moncler Cost At Woodbury

continue to seek elements that help us prepare to overcome the crisis ...
First, and to see that it is not a figment of his "teacher", here is the evidence that we should make an effort to improve preparedness:

View more documents from devargasaguilera .
you should read this report and answer in your notebook:
  1. What was the rate of youth who received one post-compulsory in Spain in 2000? What in 2008 regardless of the immigrant population? What
  2. rate has Europe proposed to be met by 2010? What are the Autonomous Communities closer?
Let us focus now on the Canary Islands. Here is a summary of the data of the previous report to our community by the newspaper "20 minutos.net"
Percent Post Canary
View more documents from devargasaguilera .

3. You should write in his notebook what the rate of young people between 20 and 24 who earn a postsecondary degree in the Canaries and the difference from 2003. Better or worse?

And to see that with effort and dedication will get far, I suggest you watch this video in which a student summarizes 12 years before a United Nations delegation what are the challenges to their generation faces:

4. In your notebook you should summarize the contents of the intervention of this girl and the blog leave a comment about what you think.

This activity should be made for after the holiday carnival.

Monday, February 9, 2009

How To Save Pokemon On Mac

Crisis, what crisis?

This week we've been thinking about so hyped crisis.

For those who want to understand its origin in a fast, I leave here the metaphor by Paul Aretxabala in his blog: Hontza. If you prefer a more academic can view this link on Wikipedia .

Above all, we have been concerned to see how we can use this crisis and turn it into an opportunity , which is the original meaning of the word as: "If I am in crisis is what I try to reflect on what I was wrong to have the opportunity to change. "

So we have looked are the recipes that they know that the economy and how can we apply to our student life.

First, the experts tell us that we must "trust": " important thing now is to trust what we " said German Chancellor Merkel in his New Year message. Well, the first thing that we as students must ask is: What is the level of confidence I have in myself? But of course, a confidence that is well supported by the effort I'm doing and I am reaching achievements.

Secondly we have said the current crisis' proof that global interdependence is more important than anything in the world today. " 'That is why we must leave juntos, hay que compartir. Tenemos que salir de esta crisis juntos. No nos podemos escapar unos de los otros ', ha comentado el expresidente americano Bill Clinton. La lección que debemos aprender como estudiantes es que debemos aprender a trabajar en equipo; y la reflexión que debemos hacer es: ¿A qué estoy dispuesto a renunciar por el trabajo en equipo? ¿Qué puedo ofrecer a mis compañeros?

La tercera receta que nos ofrecen tiene que ver con la diversificación y la innovación : Como subraya el presidente del parlamento Europeo, Hans-Gert Pöttering, innovar es una manera de salir de la crisis económica actual. Por su parte, la ministra Science, Cristina Garmendia, has chosen today by the internationalization of business and investment in Research, Development and Innovation (I + ID + i) as differentiators to gain competitiveness and overcome the current economic guarantees. We as students have to make the effort to change those habits are not helping us move forward. What I can do differently and more effectively? How do I change my way of working to get better results? No more that of: "Well, I've always done well ..."

Finally, we noted that as a society we can only escape of this crisis with more training. Thus, the president of the Club of Rome, said Ricardo Díez Hochleitner s and must take "comprehensive action" in the educational field to exit the downturn. It is therefore very important that from and reflect on our learning path, we request information about what we do after graduation at ESO, and we analyze what we are really preparing.

Well, then we are in these days class "Ethics and Citizenship." If I always ask them to share our thoughts with their parents or guardians, these days the recommendation done if caba, more pressing.