Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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Carnaval, Carnaval ... Facing the crisis

For that, happy carnival ... and watch the masqueraders . Here

everyone murga of Teachers of Carnival 2009. The quality is not good but the excitement is that nobody remembered to bring camera and had to record it by hand ... heh, heh ...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

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continue to seek elements that help us prepare to overcome the crisis ...
First, and to see that it is not a figment of his "teacher", here is the evidence that we should make an effort to improve preparedness:

View more documents from devargasaguilera .
you should read this report and answer in your notebook:
  1. What was the rate of youth who received one post-compulsory in Spain in 2000? What in 2008 regardless of the immigrant population? What
  2. rate has Europe proposed to be met by 2010? What are the Autonomous Communities closer?
Let us focus now on the Canary Islands. Here is a summary of the data of the previous report to our community by the newspaper "20 minutos.net"
Percent Post Canary
View more documents from devargasaguilera .

3. You should write in his notebook what the rate of young people between 20 and 24 who earn a postsecondary degree in the Canaries and the difference from 2003. Better or worse?

And to see that with effort and dedication will get far, I suggest you watch this video in which a student summarizes 12 years before a United Nations delegation what are the challenges to their generation faces:

4. In your notebook you should summarize the contents of the intervention of this girl and the blog leave a comment about what you think.

This activity should be made for after the holiday carnival.

Monday, February 9, 2009

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Crisis, what crisis?

This week we've been thinking about so hyped crisis.

For those who want to understand its origin in a fast, I leave here the metaphor by Paul Aretxabala in his blog: Hontza. If you prefer a more academic can view this link on Wikipedia .

Above all, we have been concerned to see how we can use this crisis and turn it into an opportunity , which is the original meaning of the word as: "If I am in crisis is what I try to reflect on what I was wrong to have the opportunity to change. "

So we have looked are the recipes that they know that the economy and how can we apply to our student life.

First, the experts tell us that we must "trust": " important thing now is to trust what we " said German Chancellor Merkel in his New Year message. Well, the first thing that we as students must ask is: What is the level of confidence I have in myself? But of course, a confidence that is well supported by the effort I'm doing and I am reaching achievements.

Secondly we have said the current crisis' proof that global interdependence is more important than anything in the world today. " 'That is why we must leave juntos, hay que compartir. Tenemos que salir de esta crisis juntos. No nos podemos escapar unos de los otros ', ha comentado el expresidente americano Bill Clinton. La lección que debemos aprender como estudiantes es que debemos aprender a trabajar en equipo; y la reflexión que debemos hacer es: ¿A qué estoy dispuesto a renunciar por el trabajo en equipo? ¿Qué puedo ofrecer a mis compañeros?

La tercera receta que nos ofrecen tiene que ver con la diversificación y la innovación : Como subraya el presidente del parlamento Europeo, Hans-Gert Pöttering, innovar es una manera de salir de la crisis económica actual. Por su parte, la ministra Science, Cristina Garmendia, has chosen today by the internationalization of business and investment in Research, Development and Innovation (I + ID + i) as differentiators to gain competitiveness and overcome the current economic guarantees. We as students have to make the effort to change those habits are not helping us move forward. What I can do differently and more effectively? How do I change my way of working to get better results? No more that of: "Well, I've always done well ..."

Finally, we noted that as a society we can only escape of this crisis with more training. Thus, the president of the Club of Rome, said Ricardo Díez Hochleitner s and must take "comprehensive action" in the educational field to exit the downturn. It is therefore very important that from and reflect on our learning path, we request information about what we do after graduation at ESO, and we analyze what we are really preparing.

Well, then we are in these days class "Ethics and Citizenship." If I always ask them to share our thoughts with their parents or guardians, these days the recommendation done if caba, more pressing.