Sunday, May 10, 2009

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Well, well, it seems that the presentation had raised cost us much more than the teacher thought. I do not know, I know ... I understand that we are at the end of course but we can not relax the pace. Mood and do not be discouraged.

I hope that during the week of 11 to 15 can view the presentations that each group has done. What to do in the classroom is to be attentive to presentations from peers and write in his notebook a question, suggestion or questions posed to them.

Moreover, last week co-4 ยบ A have tried using an application provided by EducaRed: "Educalab" but the truth is that the problems we've had to access have been many and therefore can not continue with it. While we try to find out why these problems (have tried from the classroom, at home, some even from a cyber) I present the next activity that we perform.

work is children's rights and we will make drawing on the resources offered by the General Council of English Lawyers through the competition:
I have also

rights is a contest which should produce a propaganda video made by one of those rights. The video must be in digital format and not longer than 2 minutes. Those of you ending before May 30 will present the competition, for it must register. See the rules and the registration form on the link above.
The task is to:
  1. View list of rights and choose one, noting in his book why they chose this and not another.
  2. Develop a script of how it will be your video (I recommend the following link on how to prepared a short: "Making a short" by the technology department Huelin Malaga IES) and paste it in your class notebook.
  3. Record your video in groups of no more than 4 people (although they can use all the players you want).

Well, to end this post a message for everyone but especially for those who need a push to successfully complete the course: Do not give up, mind you if we can all endeavor. On a brave face and confidence in our effort. When you have a bad day to see them leave the video below: